Winter Show Jumping League Championship

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

THE GALLAGHER EQUESTRIAN WINTER SHOWJUMPING LEAGUE   This year the league is being taken over by Gallagher Equestrian. This year promises fantastic prizes, a fantastic atmosphere and the perfect opportunity to keep your horse competition fit over winter. The league is open to both teams and individuals of adults and children and can be mixed. Teams do not need to ...

Combined Training Competition – Dressage & Show Jumping

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

    Join us for a day of dressage and showjumping Classes Class 1 50/60cm showjumping & Intro A dressage Class 2 70cm showjumping & prelim 7 Dressage Class 3 80cm showjumping & prelim 17A Class 4 80cm showjumping & novice 23 Class 5 90cm showjumping & novice 37a £20 per class Entries in advance to be emailed to

Introduction to British Showjumping Evening

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

  Join us for the evening from 6/6.30pm We will be joined by Anne Newbery, British Showjumping’s South West development officer. The evening is open to everyone, including current members who are trying to decide what to do next! Anne will be discussing everything British showjumping, giving you all of the information required to decide whether BS is for you ...

Combined Training Competition – Dressage & Show Jumping

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

  Join us for a day of dressage and showjumping Classes (dressage tests tbc) Class 1 50/60cm showjumping Class 2 70cm showjumping Class 3 80cm showjumping Class 4 80cm showjumping Class 5 90cm showjumping £20 per class Entries in advance to be emailed to

Open Dressage Competition – PC & BD Tests

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

  Open Dressage competition run by the Dulverton West Pony Club All entries via Horse Monkey £12 per class Times will be available on the Dulverton Pony club and Coxleigh facebook pages on the Friday night. Pony club grassroots dressage test 2018 pony club novice test 2020 pony club intermediate test 2013 Intro A Prelim 7 Prelim 17A Novice 23 ...

Adult Camp

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

Adult Camp with Erica Oldham

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

The perfect pre season tune up! 2 nights & 3 days to include flat work, grids and showjumping with the fantastic Erica Oldham plus unmounted demos/talks. Our camps are open to everyone over 18. Each rider is placed in a group with those riding at a similar level and looking to achieve the same goals at camp. Whats included? All ...

Fun Show Jumping Charity Fund Raiser

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

Open to everyone Join us for a day of Fun showjumping organised by the Coxleigh juniors to help support their chosen Charities. The day will be run and judged by the juniors under the helpful watch of Sara! Prize for the best fancy dress!! Class 1 40cm Single phase Class 2 50cm single phase Class 3 50cm Pairs Class 4 ...

Showjumping Junior Camp with BS Coaches Erica Oldham & Mandy Frost

Coxleigh Barton Equestrian Centre Shirwell, Barnstaple

  Junior Showjumping camp with BS coaches Mandy Frost & Erica Oldham This camp is tailored towards those jumping BS or aiming to during 2020. This camp is open to everyone under 18 years jumping 80cm and above. 2 nights and 2 days of fun and high end showjumping tuition. £240 All supervision, tuition, dormitory accommodation, meals, stabling and activities ...